Questions and answers about vehicle accidents.

Questions and answers about vehicle accidents.

Q: “I was injured by another driver. They were at fault. Their insurance company’s adjuster has been very helpful and nice, and says they will pay for my car and my medical bills. Do I need an attorney?”A: Yes. What the adjuster isn’t telling you is that, under...
Primerus Accreditation Board: Ensuring Primerus Quality

Primerus Accreditation Board: Ensuring Primerus Quality

Since its inception, Primerus has developed and maintained its excellent reputation because of one primary reason-it seeks out, accepts and retains only the best firms for membership. Clients coming to Primerus law firms for legal services know without a doubt they...
The Durable Power of Attorney, Why You Need One

The Durable Power of Attorney, Why You Need One

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this pamphlet is to introduce you to a relatively new but important concept in financial planning and to convince you that disability planning is as important as estate planning, particularly for a younger person. This new concept is a...