So You Have a Will: Is Your Estate Safe?
So, you finally got around to having a will prepared for yourself after years of talking about it. That calls for a sigh of relief and a pat on the back! But how can you be sure it will meet your needs and distribute your estate the way you intended? In Harper Lee’s...

Questions and Answers about Condemnation and Eminent Domain
Q: My property is being taken by the government? What can I do? A: Both the U.S. Constitution and Oklahoma law allow the federal, state and local government or their agencies to take private property for public use. However, those same laws clearly say that the...

Questions and answers about vehicle accidents.
Q: “I was injured by another driver. They were at fault. Their insurance company’s adjuster has been very helpful and nice, and says they will pay for my car and my medical bills. Do I need an attorney?”A: Yes. What the adjuster isn’t telling you is that, under...

Primerus Accreditation Board: Ensuring Primerus Quality
Since its inception, Primerus has developed and maintained its excellent reputation because of one primary reason-it seeks out, accepts and retains only the best firms for membership. Clients coming to Primerus law firms for legal services know without a doubt they...

Trusts and Wills Today Fads, Fallacies and Storm Warnings… The Baby Boomers’ Dilemma
Fact: Some lawyers and several do-it-yourself books are misrepresenting Living Trusts as the perfect solution to “AVOID PROBATE.” Revocable Living Trusts are a remarkably useful and valuable tool in the hands of a qualified professional. Trusts of the faddish,...

The Durable Power of Attorney, Why You Need One
INTRODUCTION The purpose of this pamphlet is to introduce you to a relatively new but important concept in financial planning and to convince you that disability planning is as important as estate planning, particularly for a younger person. This new concept is a...

How to Keep from Losing Your Minerals in a Sale of Real Estate
[PROBLEM]: I sold my farm and the purchaser says I sold my oil and gas rights! Can I get them back? [FACT]: It happens more often than you think! In a real estate transaction, unless the oil, gas and other minerals are “properly reserved’ you can lose your minerals,...
421 S. Rock Island, El Reno, OK 73036 | Phone: 405.262.3502
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NOTICE: The information in this web site is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, nor should it be considered to be the delivery of legal services or advice. Every legal matter is based on the facts of each issue, and the application of these general comments may vary from case to case. This material is designed to inform the reader of general principles and to help the reader understand the legal system. You should always consult a licensed attorney for legal advice.